Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Adorable, yet Exhausting

Well, it's technically only the seventh day of school, but, of course, I'm exhausted. These kids are absolutely ADORABLE... I have one child, who's not even in my class, but has adopted me as his recess buddy, who calls me his "mummy" because I do this little mummy bit where I chase him around the field. Today he accidentally called me "mama." That may not sound adorable to you, but believe me - it is!

Anyway, our Parent's Night (technically a Back-to-School) is this Thursday and I'm worried my classroom does not look good enough to receive parents. It doesn't look BAD, but it doesn't necessarily reflect all of the work we've done so far. After a Kagan workshop I took this summer, I've been incorporating a lot more cooperative learning, so a lot of what we do doesn't have hard "proof". We go into some amazing projects later in the year, but right now all I have up are our Mini-Mes, Wanted posters and a writing project for "Miss Nelson is Missing", fake newspaper reports about our first week of school, and their sight word charts. Will that be enough?

I think I may be getting good reports at home. I've had several teachers from lower grades tell me that their old students who are now in my class have reported that I am "sooo funny". It's true: I am. This group seems to appreciate my humor even more than last year. They love my reading selections (right now it's Shel Silverstein's "Lafcadio: The Lion Who Shot Back"), Twinkie, and of course my undoubtable wit and charm!


Paraphernalian said...

If any of my students called me "mama" I would probably slap them. (I guess that's why I teach adults and not nine-year olds...).

Melissa said...

erica i love reading about your teaching. you make we want to teach even though i wouldn't be teaching the cute little ones. =) i'm glad you're writing more about your teaching this year!

Unknown said...

I'm reading your posts backwards... which is silly but oh, well. I got excited that little ones appreciate your humor and thought I would give them my kudos via comment. :)