Thursday, August 16, 2007

Eight-year-old tour guides

Wow! I have to say I'm fairly happy about how Parent Night turned out. I had about half of my class show up with parents in tow. Honestly, I had nothing to worry about. The students who showed up immediately gave their parents the run around the room, pointing to every display, poster, area, and assignment with an explanation (most in Spanish, but I did have one or two English speakers this year!). They had their parents guess which one was their Mini-Me's (props to many parents for getting it right on the first try), then they moved around the room pointing to their word family flower, sight word star, our class spelling and math chart, even stopping to explain the behavior chart. My job was made incredibly easy. I answered about two questions, thanked them for coming, and that was that. I loved that the students felt that the room was THEIRS, such a contrast from Meet the Teacher when they shyly walked in and wouldn't make eye contact. Now they were dragging their parents around by the hand to point to their name in the name quilt or explain our class jobs and pillow people.

The prize goes to my student Cierra who pulled things from random places to describe to her mom how I used the dry erase markers, showed her how to use an atlas, and summarized the read aloud. She must have been in there for thirty minutes, going on and on about every little detail in the class: how I use the yardstick of power, how her job is to shush Arnulfo, why we have special numbers, and the importance of marshmallows to our read aloud. I didn't even realize how much we did until she reported it all in detail.


Paraphernalian said...

Um...the yardstick of power???

(I think I need to get one of those!)

And WHY do you need marshmallows for read aloud???

Unknown said...

awesome!! sounds like you're doimg great work