Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sure Are A Lot of Mexicans

I received a new student last week from Arkansas. A child who would likely be a clone of the rest of the class at many schools, this caucasian, blond boy sticks out like a sore thumb in the sea of Hispanic boys and girls in Room 19. Not only that, but he's rather short for his age, and has a slight twangy accent.

On his first week of school, he made the following observations/vocal thoughts:

Me: How do you like it here in Phoenix?
Student: I dunno- There sure are a lot of Mexicans here!

Student: It's so hot here I think I'm sweatin' in places I never sweated at before!

Student: You better lock your doors 'cuz I hear this place has lots of thieves and murderers.

Student: I'm walking home, but I'll be careful because my mom told me that a few years ago a girl was raped and killed on her way home.

Student: In Arkansas, if you don't wear your shoes, you're called a hillbilly!

1 comment:

Paraphernalian said...

I'm going to add that to my repetoire: "It's so hot here I'm sweating in places I've never sweated at before!" PRICELESS.