Friday, November 9, 2007

Remember When?

Way back during my student teaching, my final evaluation given by my master teacher rated my professionalism as my weakness. At the time, I was shocked and rather upset, but now I understand.

Here are some reasons why I am not always professional:

1) I think one of the reasons why I make a good teacher is because I still remember what it's like to be a child. Because of this, I often play on the playground with my students during recess.

2) I tend to shy away from professional clothing because a) it's not comfortable and b) it doesn't allow me to do the activity mentioned above.

3) My lessons are often dramatic, silly, and more than a little creative. My vice principal was in shock when he came into my room and saw me conversing with a white rabbit on my hand (Twinkie).

4) I believe in sarcasm (for the older kids, when appropriate) and humor. Some teachers cannot understand this teaching method.

5) I don't mind sitting on the floor, dressing up, dancing or singing for my students. Whatever keeps their attention!


Melissa said...

lack of professionalism should be somewhat of a compliment! professionalism is for meetings, not classrooms. i feel myself beginning to contradict what i just wrote so i will stop writing now. obviously there are times when being somewhat professional in the classroom is good..but whatever. but in any case, teachers who are too professional are boring.
the best teacher i ever had hid in the classroom before school, got our attention by talking into a mic through a sound system and made us find her. she also dressed up as a rotten banana at halloween, taught us vowel sounds by acting them out, let our class bird fly around the classroom and sit on our pencils, built us a reading loft, let us arrange our desks in any way we liked, etc. she played with us at recess sometimes too. =)

Melissa said...

clearly i didn't stop writing. but i wanted to tell you about miss wiens. =)

Unknown said...

I wish I had you for a teacher. Melissa's teacher sounds awesome too!

Unknown said...

I think those sorts of things help kids really identify with learning rather than feel like learning is something they have to do or something that's forced upon them.

good work!!