Monday, March 3, 2008

Run-In with the Cynical

Sort-of funny story:

Yesterday, I was a perusing a new-find new and used bookstore, and I just happened to be in the education section, browsing. A woman walked by and said, "If you're considering a job in teaching, you should think again." Surprised, I just kind of looked at her, and she added, "Unless you're already in it..."

"Yes, I'm afraid it's too late for me!"

Woman: What do you teach?

Me: Third grade.

Woman: Me too. How long have you been teaching?

Me: This is my second year.

Woman: I've been teaching seven years.

Me: What makes you already advising others to stay away from the profession?

Woman: I love the kids. It's everything else that's driving me crazy. Especially the testing. I never thought I'd be like this, so early on in my career... And I have a hard time leaving things at home.

Me: I am having trouble with that, too.

Woman: No kidding! It's a Sunday, you're in a bookstore, and you're stuck in the Education section!

Anyway, it was interesting! Someone so against their OWN career that they would advise a complete stranger to stay away. I hope I didn't just see a future version of myself!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

awww but you *like* your job, right..even though it keeps you very busy?
i have to try to be positive about teaching in general since i've barely started.. =)